
Friday, October 9, 2009

Dream Sickle Salad

I made this salad for a Women’s Choir social {when I was still in college, of course}. We were having contests in the category of salads, main dishes and desserts. Believe it or not, I helped plan that. We all had a wonderful time trying stuff everyone else had brought and then we all voted on our favorites. Of course, I don’t think any of us knew who brought what - it was supposed to be entirely unbiased judging. But anyway, I won in the salad category! And I got a nice big Symphony bar – which Dan kindly ate for me. ;) I promise, this salad is super quick and very yummy {though I’ll admit that I like more mandarin oranges than the recipe calls for} and everyone will love it!

Dream Sickle Salad

Kelli Tracy

Small pkg. orange Jell-O
Small pkg. vanilla pudding, cook
Small pkg. tapioca pudding, cook
1 Can madarin oranges {or more if you're like me!}, drained
2 oz crushed pineapple, drained
8oz container cool whip

Cook the vanilla and tapioca puding and the Jell-o all togetherin 2-1/2 cups cold water; bring to a boil.

Cool. Add mandarin oranges, pineapple, and cool whip. Serve cold.


  1. When making this do you mean to boil the water and add the jello and pudding or cook the puddings according to package directions, cook the Jello with the water then add everything together? Or when you said "cook" in the ingredient list that was just the type of pudding to buy?

  2. Sorry I forgot to check the little box!

  3. April, this is a very good question. I didn't even realize that my instructions were so unclear! That's what I get for not proof-reading before publishing! You put the puddings and jell-o together in the 2-1/2 cups water and boil them all at once. Thanks again! Let me know if you have any other questions!

  4. I made the logical assumption which turns out to be the right one! This was AWESOME! It was one of those salads that you feel guilty calling it fruit, but I did as you suggested and added extra mandarins! :P

  5. April, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! You're right, it's kind of a "guilt salad" but it tastes great all the same! Thank you for your comments - it's always wonderful to know that someone is taking advantage of the recipes and enjoying them!


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